Louisiana Assessors’ Retirement Fund


The Louisiana Assessors’ Retirement Fund was created in 1950. It is administered by a board of trustees as authorized under Louisiana R.S.11:1401. The president, vice president and treasurer of the Louisiana Assessors’ Association also serve as officers of the Retirement Fund. Assessors and full time employees of assessors’ offices are required to participate in the fund.

Retirement benefits are available for persons who meet the age eligibility and have earned the required years of service credit. Active employees who become disabled may qualify for benefits. Benefits are also provided for surviving spouses or designated beneficiaries and minor children.

This information is valid as of July 1, 2024 and is meant to be an extract of the most important Louisiana Revised Statutes related to the Assessors’ Retirement Fund effective on that date. Other sections of the state’s revised statutes and/or federal codes and regulations may affect members’ retirement benefits. All of this information is subject to legislative amendment and revision and/or changes that may be adopted and implemented by the fund’s Board of Trustees without notice.

Click on a Form Below to View or Print:

The asterisk (*) in front of the forms means the Assessor should provide these forms to new hires at the time of employment.

CLICK HERE to view information from the Louisiana Office of Financial Institutions regarding investment fraud or go to www.ofi.la.gov/SecuritiesInvestorEd.htm.